
What Areas do The Cleaning Ninjas Service?

We service almost all of the Lower Mainland, including Vancouver, Richmond, Delta, North Vancouver, and Surrey.

Will They Travel Further?

The call to duty knows no bounds, so Yes! But there will be an additional transportation fee depending on the distance.

Rates & Quotes

Do you give Free Estimates?

Absolutely, but we cannot give concrete estimates over the phone. The only way to get a good idea of the work is to come by your location. Also, first cleanings usually cost slightly higher than subsequent visits.

What are your Rates?

We offer very competitive rates, which vary according to the size of the job and the individual service needs. Call us today for your free custom estimate, or to arrange an estimator to come out to meet you. Hourly is our standard, but flat rates are also available for weekly/bi-weekly cleaning.

Do you offer Quotes over the Phone?

For residential and real estate jobs we can offer a standard rate over the phone based on the size of the job, but this rate is not guaranteed until we arrive at your property to verify the requirements. For commercial and post-construction jobs we will send out someone to provide an estimate after seeing the property.

We highly suggest using our Advanced Quote Form to get a rough estimate immediately that will be followed up with a more accurate estimate -- which also will send us your request for such.

What kinds of things can Increase my Over-The-Phone/Quote Form Estimate?
  • If your home hasn’t been cleaned professionally before. 
  • If you have pets. 
  • If you have more floor space than estimated.
  • If you request additional work outside of what is requested.
  • Large Quantities of/and/or Cumbersome Furniture or Decor that will require cleaning.
Why is the cost usually Higher for the First Cleaning?

Usually, when we come into residences or businesses that haven’t been cleaned before; it can take additional time to inspect the building to get it to the high level of cleaning that we expect for our clients.

After that, regular maintenance is much more efficient and easier.

Could I Setup a Monthly Payment for your Services?

We can either bill on a per-project basis, or set up an easy to manage monthly payment schedule for recurring jobs. A flat rate is possible for recurring jobs as we understand it can make it easier to budget & book for as the amount does not change nor does the dates.

What Items/Services are NOT Included in your Estimate?

The following items are not included, but can be quoted on separately:
Extensive Carpet Washing, Interior Window Washing, Cleaning out the Fridge or Appliances, Blinds or Outside Windows.


Do you provide ALL Cleaning Supplies and Equipment?

Yes, we provide ALL the equipment needed to complete your job for you! Don't worry -- a Ninja isn't a Ninja without a good set of tools!

Do you offer Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions and Products?

Almost all of our products are naturally made by default -- but we specifically have eco-friendly products that can be requested. If you have a specific request just let us know, we strongly support you asking!


Are your Staff Members Bonded and Insured?

Yes. All of our Ninjas are insured and bonded; hand-picked by Anna to ensure a proper work ethic and the proper enthusiasm for the job.

How many Cleaners will come?

We believe that teamwork works best, so we always have a team of at least two (2) cleaners per job, but sometimes more when the job is bigger.

It helps us keep each other accountable, our work consistently terrific and makes for a more efficient workflow. We are in and out, and you can enjoy your newly cleaned home or business quicker.